Opening my Summer gallery at GeoGalleries

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Welcome to the warmest season worldwide!

To celebrate summer, I am opening my transient gallery “SUMMER,” where all images are available for purchase in both paper and metal in standard print sizes.

While I love portraying botanicals in high-contrast black and white on black background, summer calls for lighter tones. This season, I will focus on high-key photography.

Although high key has not been absent from my collection and from this blog, as illustrated by my posts “Celebrating the sunflower season”, “Celebrating the sunflower season in 2023 with an image from 2021” and “Photographing Datura: A Mystical White Flower Important to Pollinators”, I have not made a concerted effort to explore this tonal range in more depth.

Producing black and white photographs on a black background effectively emphasizes light and contrast, as shown in several of my previous posts. In contrast, highlighting light in high-key photography is challenging and can often be counterproductive. High-key images create a dreamy atmosphere, emphasizing shape, form, and detail, often appearing more abstract and unreal.

The FEATURED PHOTOGRAPH, repeated below for convenience, is an experiment in both botanical and abstract photography. It’s a high-key version of the pistil and stamens of a lily flower. The pistil and stamens are the flowers’ sex organs. The pistil is the female organ and the pollen-carrying stamens are the male organs. My image emphasizes the radial arrangement of the stamens around the pistil, and the detail of the tip of these structures against a white, dreamy background where the shape of the petals is suggested, yet somewhat faded.

Wishing you all a fun, light-filled summer with plenty of rest!


Wall Art Botanical Images

Wall Art Photography projects

Wall Art Landscapes


8 responses to “Opening my Summer gallery at GeoGalleries”

  1. Steve Schwartzman Avatar

    Because the pictures in your summer gallery are abstract, have you looked at the negative versions of any to see whether they also appeal to you? I realize that would give you back a black background, which you wanted to get away from for a change.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alessandra Chaves Avatar

      That’s a good idea, I’ll give it try! Thanks for the suggestion.


  2. shoreacres Avatar

    It took me a while to make the connection, but when I did, I started to laugh. Growing up in the midwest, one fashion rule was ironclad: white clothing was to be worn only between Memorial Day and Labor Day. White was for summer, and summer only. It occurs to me that you’ve created a variation on our old ‘summer is for white’ rule — and it’s very attractive.

    Of course, if you enjoy this exploration of high key images, there’s no need to confine them to summer. After all, I wear white in April and November now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alessandra Chaves Avatar

      Back in MD people would comment when I used my white trousers after the end of summer. On another note when I go to “the task at hand” I can’t find a way to enter a comment, very odd.

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      1. shoreacres Avatar

        You’re listed as a subscriber, and I’m obviously following you, so that’s not the problem. Do you see the comment box? Be sure you’re signed in to WordPress. Some people, myself included, occasionally get signed out. And be sure you’ve clicked on the title of a specific blog entry rather than just “The Task at Hand.” Comment boxes only show up for individual posts. I’ve run into that issue myself.

        Do you have the same trouble with posts on Lagniappe? If you keep having trouble, let me know, and I’ll consult the gurus. Some of these issues that crop up are due to WordPress messing around on the back end, and not getting things set correctly for all the operating systems and browsers.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Alessandra Chaves Avatar

        I’ll try to investigate further.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles Avatar

    The feature photograph is spectacular and quite soothing to look at!


    1. Alessandra Chaves Avatar

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

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